Our task was to create a video that educated as well as captivated the attention of UF's Black Community. Finding pictures for this project was not easy, but we finally found a website created by Devin Culclasure back in 2008 which really helped out! S/O to Devin's Black History Website! He also has tape recordings of faculty that experienced UF during the civil rights era on this website.
We emailed at least 100 pictures and video files back and forth to include in the video. Only a select few made the cut. Of course we had to add Dr. Martin Luther King and another prominent figure during the Civil Rights Movement, JF Kennedy. We thought adding him would round out the tone during the 60's and 70's.
We juxtaposed images of blacks getting hosed down in the street with people celebrating during their protests to remind people that even though times were hard there was still a feeling of empowerment during the movement.
BSU aired the video at their first General Body Meeting.